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DE-Shares are issued based on the proportion of liquidity that a liquidity provider (LP) has deposited into a strategy.

For the first LP, the share price is fixed to $100 (this is arbitrary, it could have been any number). So, for example if a user deposits 1 WETH and $1000, when the price of 1WETh is $2500 they are issued 35

DE-shares : (1000+2500)/100 = 35 (Assuming the management fees and protocol fee are 0%)

If it is some non-zero p%, the LP receives 35(1-p/100) shares and 35p/100 shares go to the strategy manager.

  1. If you are the first liquidity provider in the pool

       (x0,y0)(x_0,y_0): the capital user wants to deploy

       (px,py)(p{x},p{y}): the price of token0/token1 in USD

       f{f} is the number of shares that will be minted, such that :

f=x0px+y0py100{f = \frac{x_{0}p_{x} + y_{0}p_{y}}{100}}

       User will get

f(1p+m100){f*(1 - \frac{p+m}{100})}


The share price then changes based on the value of the underlying assets and accumulated fee. So if the price of WETH goes up to $3000 and the strategy manager keeps all the liquidity in the form of WETH; the DE-shares in the strategy mentioned above would be worth $114.2857 (4000/35)

From then on shares are issued proportional to the value of assets an LP provides:

  1. If you are not the first liquidity provider to the pool

       F{F}: extant shares of an existing liquidity management pool,

       (x,p)(x,p): the current pool composition and

       (x0,y0)(x_0,y_0): the capital user wants to deploy

       (px,py)(p{x},p{y}): the price of token0/token1 in USD

       f{f} is the number of shares that will be minted, such that :

f=Fx0px+y0pyxpx+ypy{f = F*\frac{x_0p_{x} + y_0p_{y}}{xp_{x} + yp_{y}}}

       User will get

f(1p+m100){f*(1 - \frac{p+m}{100})}
