Error Code
Contract: DefiEdgeStrategy.sol
Error Symbol | Description |
IT | Invalid Ticks |
ITL | Max Tick Length |
UA | Unlisted User |
SC | If share minted are less than supplied |
S | Slippage |
L | If share limit (supplied by manager) is over |
INS | Insufficient Share |
IA | If protocol fee is being setup is more than 20% |
Contract: DefiEdgestratgeyFactory.sol
Error Symbol | Description |
NO | If sender is not governanance |
INSUFFICIENT_FEES | If strategy creation fee is not supplied |
IP | Invalid Pool address |
Contract: StrategyBase.sol
Error Symbol | Description |
N | If caller is not governance |
DL | If strategy is blacklisted |
Contract: StrategyManager.sol
Error Symbol | Description |
MANAGER_ROLE | not an error |
ADMIN_ROLE | not an error |
BURNER_ROLE | not an error |
USER_WHITELIST_ROLE | not an error |
LR | If the daily max swap limit is reached |
Contract: 1InchHelper.sol
Error Symbol | Description |
IC | If 1inch caller is not whitelisted |
IM | If the method of the dex is supported by 1inch but DefiEdge is not validating it |
Contract: OracleLibrary.sol
Error Symbol | Description |
OLD_PRICE | Heart Beat has not be updated |
Contract: Sharehelper.sol | Error Symbol | Description | | --- | --- | | BP | If TWAP period is 0 |
Contract: DefiEdgeTwapStrategy.sol
Error Symbol | Description |
ITL | If max tick length is exceeded |
Contract: DefiEdgestratgeyFactory.sol
Error Symbol | Description |
ID | If token has decimals more than 18 |
IP | If the supplied pool address is not valid pool address while creating the strategy |
Contract: TwapOracleLiblary.sol
Error Symbol | Description |
BP | If TWAP period is 0 |
Contract: TwapShareHelper.sol
Error Symbol | Description |
INSUFFICIENT_AMOUNT | If either of the amount in depositing while the TWAP is 0 |
INSUFFICIENT_AMOUNT_0 | If minimum amount0 to be deployed is 0 |
INSUFFICIENT_AMOUNT_1 | If minimum amount0 to be deployed is 0 |